Deprivations of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS)

This course offers an overview of Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS), explaining what constitutes a DoLS and how to identify one. It covers the application of DoLS in various settings, familiarisation with roles and processes, and upcoming legislative changes.

Course Summary




  • 6.5 Hours


£45 (Exc VAT)


Online / In Person

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Introductions / safe space
Develop an awareness of the key areas of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 in relation to DoLS
Understand what is meant by 'Deprivation of Liberties' (DoL) and what constitutes a DoL
How to identify a DoLS
How to identify a DoLS under Cheshire West case. What to do when a DoLS has been identified
Where do DoLS apply and what setting
DoLS in the community, how it applies, process guidance and procedure
To be familiar with the roles involed with DoLS
Process and requirements for community DoLS
Changes to legislation LPS and what this means
Key learning / action plan
Build your emotional wellbeing


A working knowledge of adult safeguarding is required.

Course Availability

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