MARAC (Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference) Microteach
This microteach explores the purpose and operation of MARAC, including risk assessment, referrals, and multi-agency collaboration.
Course Summary
- 2 Hours
£45 (Exc VAT)
Online / In Person
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Introductions / safe space.
What a MARAC is, its purpose and the principles of an effective MARAC.
The process of how MARAC operates and the importance of risk assessment.
How to make a referral to MARAC and researching.
The importance of multi-agency working and information sharing.
Supporting clients effectively before and after MARAC.
Skills practice of a MARAC to apply learning.
Services available / signposting
Key learning / action plan.
Delegate well-being / debrief activity.
We recommend attending Domestic Abuse is Everybody's Business (Awareness L1) before this microteach
Course Availability
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