About Louise

Louise believes passionately that everyone has the potential to live a productive and satisfying life despite the challenges life puts in the way and loves the fact that in her job even small changes can make a huge difference to people’s lives.

Louise currently works as an Occupational Therapist (OT) in mental health but has previously worked in a Social Care setting as a Community OT and has inpatient experience. This breadth of experience leads to a very holistic view of OT issues, as well as more generic issues around physical and mental health care.

Louise likes to keep busy and alongside her full-time jobs she has, over the years, run her own film company, a paint-your-own pottery business, and a small holiday cottage, Through the paint your own pottery she got involved in a project which combined creative activity with alcohol & drug awareness workshops within the criminal justice system. She currently sits on the board of a local charity which works to get people with mental health difficulties in to work.

Diploma of the College of Occupational Therapists 

MA Dance and Movement Therapy 

Training 4 Influence Accredited 

Mental Capacity Act 

Frontline skills  
