About Sally
Sally has 30 years’ experience as a police officer, with 14 years as a Detective Sergeant in Safeguarding Adults and Children. She has overseen multiple investigations into child and adult abuse and domestic abuse offences and worked in several multi-agency settings.
Sally has been involved in domestic homicide reviews and serious case reviews, leading on the implementation of a Domestic Abuse Hub and chairing the daily MARAC meetings.Her experience of leading on a complex adult care home neglect investigation led to her being invited to address a crime conference in London and be recorded as a national expert on the subject with the NCA.
Sally currently works as a Learning and Improvement Officer for her local Safeguarding Adults Board and Safeguarding Childrens Partnership. Sally is committed to ensuring her training feels personal and relevant to each individual and recognises the link between effective learning and improved outcomes for children and adults in need of support.
Sally’s course was very practical and gave clear information, it was interactive and I enjoyed participating and hearing other colleagues views.Taye Training Delegate
Level 1 and 2 Trainer
Serious Child Abuse Investigators Development Programme
Safeguarding Everyone’s Business
Achieving Best Evidence
Domestic Abuse Level 3
Violent and Sex Offenders Register Course
Family Liaison and Mass Disaster and Victim Identification
Management of Registered Sex Offenders and Violent Offenders (VISOR)
Training 4 Influence Accredited
Domestic abuse
Working with people convicted of offences