The image displays the "Transform Your Training" logo, with "Transform" in purple and "Your Training" in orange. Below the text, a yellow line curves through three spheres (purple, orange, and blue).

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Join us and other values-led facilitators and trainers supporting each other to deliver the very best training they can!

At Transform Your Training are passionate about the transformative power training can have and we promote equity of learning through expert, tailored, engaging and values-led solutions. We are committed to helping you unlock the potential of your training and help you not only become the best facilitator that you can be but also help you grow your own training services.

Overall, we are a friendly bunch of values-led people supporting each other to deliver the very best training.

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The image displays the "Transform Your Training" logo, with "Transform" in purple and "Your Training" in orange. Below the text, a yellow line curves through three spheres (purple, orange, and blue).

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Training 4 Influence Community


The image features the text "Training4Influence" and "Train the Trainer" in a stacked format, with a plus sign between them, indicating a combination of the two programs. "Training4Influence" is in purple and orange, while "Train the Trainer" includes a yellow line with three spheres (purple, orange, and blue) beneath it, symbolising a connected and integrated training approach.

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Training 4 Influence - Train the Trainer

£350 (+VAT)

The image illustrates a visual representation of interconnected concepts: three spheres labelled "Expert" (purple), "Tailored" (orange), and "Engaging" (blue), connected by a yellow line, representing the golden thread.. Above them, the word "Values" appears with the phrase "The 'Golden Thread'" underneath, suggesting that values are the guiding principle that ties together the expert, tailored, and engaging aspects of the training approach.

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The Hub + Paid

£20.00 (monthly)